Welcome to Movie Reviews of the Reel World

Welcome all to an ongoing review of movies older and newer. I will connect each movie to the next one through its actors, directors, or genre. For example: if one movie has a certain actor, I will connect it to the next movie by picking a movie with the same actor. The connection will not be the same everytime. Luckily for all readers, at the start of every month I will post a list of movies to be reviewed for that month, and as an added bonus, every July will have an actor or director of the month; I will spend the whole month reviewing only movies done by that actor or director. The director or actor of July will be announced every June. Reviews will be posted once a week. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

This Month's Reviews!

"Untouchables" (1987) [R] (connected by Brian DePalma to...)
"Carrie" (1976) [R] (connected by Stephen King to...)
"The Shining" (1980) [R] (connected by Jack Nicholson to...)
"Mars Attacks!" (1996) [PG-13] (connected by Tim Burton to next month's reviews...)

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